Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Love of a Parent

All good parents want what is best for their children and do what they think is in their child’s best interest. The ultimate example of this being our Heavenly Father. He gives us commandments to help us learn, grow, and become like Him so that we can return to live with Him after this life. Many people struggle with His commandments because they may seem restrictive, or hard, but in the end our Heavenly Father knows us best, and those commandments were given out of love to protect us from unnecessary harm.
            There are many other examples of parents who make sacrifices to have their children’s lives be the best that they can be. An example from the scriptures is Lehi leading his family into the wilderness to get to the promised land. Lehi was leading his family away from destruction because he knew that the promised land would keep them safe so that his family could prosper. In our day, many parents are trying to lead their family to another land to give their children better opportunities. They are trying to lead their families to a new location so that they can receive a better education, climb the social ladder, and just have a better life in general. But how can these challenges affect the family as a whole? What challenges does that family face as they leave what they know to go to another area, or even another country?
            There are many families in today’s world that are trying to leave their countries and come to the United States, but what they may not plan for is all the changes their family will go through in the process. When Lehi’s family left Jerusalem, his family, specifically his children, had a very hard time. Laman and Lemuel had a very hard time adjusting from living in a home with an inheritance, to a tent in the wilderness with nothing to their name. Just like Lehi’s family, many who try and make the journey to a better life in America, often have to leave everything that they have behind. Many of the fathers had good paying jobs where they could provide for their families. The mothers were able to stay home and provide love and support to their husband and children. What they don’t realize, is that in making the change for their children to be ahead in life, many of the family roles change.
There are so many families in Mexico that decide they are going to make the journey to America. They want their kids to be able to get an education and learn English so that they can return to Mexico and be able to receive much higher paying jobs due to being bilingual. They take the journey for a better life, but in most cases the whole family doesn’t all come at the same time. Many fathers leave first to set things up for their families but find themselves in very low paying jobs. While trying to earn the money to bring their family to where they are, the family structure itself is already changing. First of all, the father isn’t a part of their lives as much as they used to be, and with the father not making very much money, the mother turns to working as well. Where does this leave the kids? The relationships they once had with their families start to deteriorate. They aren’t able to have those strong family ties because neither the father nor the mother is in the home to help strengthen and encourage them.
Once the father has finally earned enough money to bring his family to where he is, it has often been many years. The children in these families go through so much. When they are able to be reunited, they have to rebuild family ties and learn how to adjust to a new culture. They miss their friends and family back home and now struggle with school because it is in a language they don’t understand. In this new culture they have to learn how people expect them to act, and during all of this, try and make new friends. In addition, they still don’t have a family to go back to, because both of their parents are out of the home working to provide for their family. 
With all of these costs it almost seems too high to be worth it. But just like Lehi, they often do this because they feel it is best for their family. In the end, their children often do get a better education, higher paying jobs, and are able to move up in the world to be able to have a better life. To these parents, their sacrifice of leaving what they know behind is totally worth it!

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