Saturday, February 29, 2020

Infidelity and How to Prevent it in Your Marriage

When people think of infidelity, they often think that it only happens if you are having sexual relations with someone other than your spouse, but that isn’t true. In fact there are four different types of infidelity, and better knowing what they are can help you with your current or future relationships.
            The main one that everyone thinks about when they hear infidelity is Sexual Affair. This is when they are sexually involved with a partner other than their own spouse. People often think that this just happens when one spouse doesn’t feel like they are getting the attention from the other that they would like, but that isn’t necessarily true. Satan is very real and powerful, and as we are taught in the scriptures, he knows that the best way to get us to do wrong is by getting us to do small insignificant acts which will later lead to the bigger wrong. If we apply this to infidelity, then we can recognize that there are often many different acts, often other types of affairs, that lead to Sexual ones.
            The second type of infidelity that I am going to talk about is Emotional Infidelity. Emotional/ Fantasy Infidelity can happen in many different ways. Overall it is fantasizing another life with someone other than your spouse, real or fictional. You might be just as shocked as I was to read the tail end of that sentence, so let me explain. If you are a girl like me that loves to read a good, (clean), romance, then you have maybe thought about how you wish you could find someone like that character you are reading about. This doesn’t seem like it would be harmful, but it can be. When you think too much about the good qualities of another person, even if they are a fictional character, then you tend to create unrealistic expectations for your spouse to be like.
Another big way for Emotional/ Fantasy Infidelity to happen is through social media. In today’s age we think that we need to stay caught up in the lives of everyone we ever knew, but this can be a dangerous game. If you are finding excuses to spend more time with someone either face to face, or over text, then you are having an emotional affair. This is because when you do this you are confiding in someone other than your spouse, which will lead to a break in your oneness as a couple. In a world where it so easy to just send someone a quick text, we need to make sure we are conscious about how much time we are spending with someone other than our spouse.
            The third type is Visual Affair. This is when you are participating in any form of Pornography. This includes actual images found on the internet, magazine, or movie, as well as any song or book that arouses sexual feelings. Many people believe that it is okay to flirt a little with people other than their spouse, but it is not. You are breaking down boundaries when you do so and making it easier to take the next step that Satan would have you take.
The last one is Romantic Affair. This is when they tr y to leave the monotony of everyday life by basically creating a ‘second’ one. People do this when they try and change what goes on in their life without really changing it at all and instead just avoiding what goes on in your day to day life, but even though it appears to be fun or exciting, that it actually leaves you feeling more disappointment in their life.
            Many believe that we are safe from infidelity as long as we are devoted to our spouses, but that isn’t true. If we don’t take precautions, then it could happen to anybody. So what can we do to prevent it? Most of the things are very simple, such as making sure you don’t ride alone with someone of the opposite sex other than your spouse., not finding excuses to spend time with someone other than your spouse, and not sharing intimate conversation with someone other than your spouse, which will help you stay away from emotional attachment. Be careful about the things you watch, read and even listen to, and as you do, you will be able to have a strong, healthy, and fulfilling marriage!

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