Saturday, February 29, 2020

Infidelity and How to Prevent it in Your Marriage

When people think of infidelity, they often think that it only happens if you are having sexual relations with someone other than your spouse, but that isn’t true. In fact there are four different types of infidelity, and better knowing what they are can help you with your current or future relationships.
            The main one that everyone thinks about when they hear infidelity is Sexual Affair. This is when they are sexually involved with a partner other than their own spouse. People often think that this just happens when one spouse doesn’t feel like they are getting the attention from the other that they would like, but that isn’t necessarily true. Satan is very real and powerful, and as we are taught in the scriptures, he knows that the best way to get us to do wrong is by getting us to do small insignificant acts which will later lead to the bigger wrong. If we apply this to infidelity, then we can recognize that there are often many different acts, often other types of affairs, that lead to Sexual ones.
            The second type of infidelity that I am going to talk about is Emotional Infidelity. Emotional/ Fantasy Infidelity can happen in many different ways. Overall it is fantasizing another life with someone other than your spouse, real or fictional. You might be just as shocked as I was to read the tail end of that sentence, so let me explain. If you are a girl like me that loves to read a good, (clean), romance, then you have maybe thought about how you wish you could find someone like that character you are reading about. This doesn’t seem like it would be harmful, but it can be. When you think too much about the good qualities of another person, even if they are a fictional character, then you tend to create unrealistic expectations for your spouse to be like.
Another big way for Emotional/ Fantasy Infidelity to happen is through social media. In today’s age we think that we need to stay caught up in the lives of everyone we ever knew, but this can be a dangerous game. If you are finding excuses to spend more time with someone either face to face, or over text, then you are having an emotional affair. This is because when you do this you are confiding in someone other than your spouse, which will lead to a break in your oneness as a couple. In a world where it so easy to just send someone a quick text, we need to make sure we are conscious about how much time we are spending with someone other than our spouse.
            The third type is Visual Affair. This is when you are participating in any form of Pornography. This includes actual images found on the internet, magazine, or movie, as well as any song or book that arouses sexual feelings. Many people believe that it is okay to flirt a little with people other than their spouse, but it is not. You are breaking down boundaries when you do so and making it easier to take the next step that Satan would have you take.
The last one is Romantic Affair. This is when they tr y to leave the monotony of everyday life by basically creating a ‘second’ one. People do this when they try and change what goes on in their life without really changing it at all and instead just avoiding what goes on in your day to day life, but even though it appears to be fun or exciting, that it actually leaves you feeling more disappointment in their life.
            Many believe that we are safe from infidelity as long as we are devoted to our spouses, but that isn’t true. If we don’t take precautions, then it could happen to anybody. So what can we do to prevent it? Most of the things are very simple, such as making sure you don’t ride alone with someone of the opposite sex other than your spouse., not finding excuses to spend time with someone other than your spouse, and not sharing intimate conversation with someone other than your spouse, which will help you stay away from emotional attachment. Be careful about the things you watch, read and even listen to, and as you do, you will be able to have a strong, healthy, and fulfilling marriage!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Keeping Your Marriage Strong Through Hard Times

Everyone at least knows someone who has gotten divorced, but most know many and even have someone close to them that has been divorced. There are many things that happen in marriage that can cause contention, but the good news is that many of them can have positive outcomes instead of negative ones. In studies with married couples, it was found that the couple rates very high in marital satisfaction, and then an event causes that satisfaction to go down. What might that event be? Having their first child. Now wait don’t think that you don’t need to read any further because you can prevent that from simply not having kids at all.
Not only are we commanded to have kids, but if we choose to have kids then we are truly making the world a better place. This is because kids born in healthy home environments are better neighbors, spouses, and coworkers. They even help in the workplace, because when there are more young people in the workplace then we are better able to pay for the older generation, and they will be able to retire more easily. Now that we have established that having kids is a good thing to do, lets discuss why that satisfaction goes down, and how we can keep our marital satisfaction high even with having kids.
Like I said, after the first child is born, it has been statistically proven that the marital satisfaction goes down after their first child is born. After a time that satisfaction levels out, but then goes down and then levels out again with each additional child. Their marital satisfaction seems to be leveled off after their last child, and then goes up and then levels off as each child leaves the home. Here is an image to help you visualize!

So why does the child cause the satisfaction to go down? Well to start off, a child is a lot of work. All of a sudden both the mother and the father have a lot more work to take on, and if they couple isn’t careful then they tend to compare workloads and complain about the other not doing enough. With the new child the mother tends to show her love to the baby more than the husband, so he feels left out, and out of place.
But don’t worry, since we know what things can cause the marital satisfaction to go down with each child, we can know what to do to make it go up rather than down. The first thing that wives can do, is to keep the husband involved in pre-natal and post-natal check-ups. The mother is able to become so close to the child that she is carrying, but the father can too if given the opportunity. One way to do this is letting the father feel the baby kick when you do. Let him bond with child in the same way that you do. Once the baby is born, share the parenting tasks, bad and good. This can helps the father to feel involved! The second thing you can do is to make sure to be careful in how you discuss your concerns and worries. If you do it constructively then you are able to understand each other better. But also make sure that you are letting your spouse know what they are doing good, not just what they are doing wrong. In other words, show gratitude for things you appreciate them contributing. The last thing that I feel is very important to keep your marital satisfaction high, is to take time with each other. Still plan regular dates together so that you can truly let your spouse know your love for them.
By taking these simple steps we are able to change the outcomes of our marriage and become closer together. We don’t have to just accept trends the way they are, but rather if we work towards it, then we can change the trends of marriage for the better!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Importance of Dating

Everyone has been on those awkward dates before. You go on a date and neither of you can decides on what to do. Once you finally do decide on something to do, neither of you have anything to say to the other. So why go on dates in the first place? What is considered to be an actual date, what is the purpose, and what should you be doing on a date?
First let’s talk about what makes a date a date. To help you remember we will use the ‘Three P’s’. The very first thing that should happen for a date to be date is for it to be ‘Planned.’ Like I said earlier, nothing is more awkward, as well as frustrating, then to go on a date just find out that you aren’t actually doing anything. By having the date planned you are showing the person that you value their time and that you actually appreciate them accepting the offer to go on the date.
The second ‘P’ is for the date to be ‘Paired off’. There is nothing wrong with a group date in fact I personally believe that they are more fun, simply because then you have the opportunity to get to know more people. But having the date paired off is very important because then you know who you have responsibility for.
The last ‘P’ is ‘Paid for.’ Now I am a person that feels guilty whenever someone buys something for me and would rather just pay for myself, but I also see the importance of having the date paid for. By paying for the date, just like pairing off, you are showing that you are taking responsibility for your date.
When going on a date you need to be doing things that help you to get to know that person. Along with that, you should go on a variety of different dates with a variety of different people. The overall purpose of dating is to prepare you for marriage and find what qualities you would like in a future spouse. By limiting your dating to one person you aren’t able to realize qualities that that would be important to you in a future spouse. Going on dates also helps you gain good social skills, build healthy relationships, and over all create healthy habits to carry with you into marriage.
To be more specific, how do the ‘Three P’s’ help with fulfilling your roles in marriage? In “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” we are told that the roles of a husband are to Provide, Preside, and Protect. When a guy plans a date, he is practicing his role to preside. This is because he is taking charge of the date and knows how to be a leader. Paring off also helps with their role of presiding because he is learning how to be responsible for another person, which is also practicing the role of protector. The last one, having the date paid for, helps the man to practice providing for his future family and teaches him to work hard to have the means to provide for that family.
But don’t worry, the roles of the wife and mother are also being practiced while dating. As women, we have the role to nurture. We can practice this on a date by being courteous to our date in showing appreciation for their efforts of putting together the date. Now this doesn’t mean that the roles of providing, or showing interest lie entirely on one gender. In fact, girls can and should ask guys on dates as well. This can prepare us to work together in a relationship and not make it one sided in effort.
By going on wholesome dates, you truly are preparing for marriage. The way you date is actually practice in which you are creating habits that you will take with you into marriage. You can either create good habits or bad ones, so make sure that while you are on a date you are uplifting one another to be the best you can be!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Divine Roles of Men and Women

We have had it drilled into our minds that we need to have equality, that we are all the same, and that you are wrong to think otherwise. Now when it comes to men and women there are things that we should be equal in, but what we truly need to understand is that equal doesn’t mean the same. Let me explain.
Equality means that you have equal opportunities. We want women to be able to get an education just as much as we want men to. We want women to be respected just as much as men are. But in this fight for equality the world has actually tried to make us the same but have also in a way tried to make women superior to men. But we know this is wrong. We are taught in the church that men and women have distinct divine roles, and should work side by side (be equal). It wasn’t surprising to see that studies done to show differences aligned with what we are taught in The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Studies have shown that even as young kids boys and girls are different. Girls are more likely to do types of play where they are able to be nurturers (play house and be mothers). They are also more likely to go for toys such as dolls and dress up. Boys on the other hand are more likely to do types of play that physical and aggressive. They tend to go more for toys such as guns and action figures.
But how does what they tend to do as children emulate the roles they are meant to take on? Just like how little girls like playing with dolls by taking care of them, women have the role of nurturing. The boys learning to be aggressive and competitive prepares them for the role of taking charge of presiding, providing for, and protecting their family. We need to embrace these different roles that men and women have, because each has something special to offer.
One way that we are diminishing those roles is by making women in the workplace a priority over being a stay at home mom. We have fought so hard to be able to let women get higher education and become scientists, doctors, and engineers, that it is often looked down upon to be a stay at home mom. Somehow in the process of empowering women to ‘be who they want to be’ we have actually degraded them. Since we have the opportunity to go on to be doctors, scientists, and engineers, we are almost expected to strive to be on top. In some ways the world wants women to take on those executive jobs, to prove their equality to men. We need to stop seeing those who choose to be mothers as those that don’t reach their full potential, but rather help people understand that being a stay at home mom by caring and nurturing their children is just as equally important and vital as if they were to take on the job of going to work and providing for the family financially.
As Elder Christofferson, an apostle for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, once said in general conference, “In Blurring feminine and masculine differences, we lose the distinct, complementary gifts of women and men that together produce a greater whole.” In other words we need both male and female to reach our full potential. We were made to better one another through our different roles. Neither one is more important than the other, and as we see each of our roles as important then we are truly equal.


Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Love of a Parent

All good parents want what is best for their children and do what they think is in their child’s best interest. The ultimate example of this being our Heavenly Father. He gives us commandments to help us learn, grow, and become like Him so that we can return to live with Him after this life. Many people struggle with His commandments because they may seem restrictive, or hard, but in the end our Heavenly Father knows us best, and those commandments were given out of love to protect us from unnecessary harm.
            There are many other examples of parents who make sacrifices to have their children’s lives be the best that they can be. An example from the scriptures is Lehi leading his family into the wilderness to get to the promised land. Lehi was leading his family away from destruction because he knew that the promised land would keep them safe so that his family could prosper. In our day, many parents are trying to lead their family to another land to give their children better opportunities. They are trying to lead their families to a new location so that they can receive a better education, climb the social ladder, and just have a better life in general. But how can these challenges affect the family as a whole? What challenges does that family face as they leave what they know to go to another area, or even another country?
            There are many families in today’s world that are trying to leave their countries and come to the United States, but what they may not plan for is all the changes their family will go through in the process. When Lehi’s family left Jerusalem, his family, specifically his children, had a very hard time. Laman and Lemuel had a very hard time adjusting from living in a home with an inheritance, to a tent in the wilderness with nothing to their name. Just like Lehi’s family, many who try and make the journey to a better life in America, often have to leave everything that they have behind. Many of the fathers had good paying jobs where they could provide for their families. The mothers were able to stay home and provide love and support to their husband and children. What they don’t realize, is that in making the change for their children to be ahead in life, many of the family roles change.
There are so many families in Mexico that decide they are going to make the journey to America. They want their kids to be able to get an education and learn English so that they can return to Mexico and be able to receive much higher paying jobs due to being bilingual. They take the journey for a better life, but in most cases the whole family doesn’t all come at the same time. Many fathers leave first to set things up for their families but find themselves in very low paying jobs. While trying to earn the money to bring their family to where they are, the family structure itself is already changing. First of all, the father isn’t a part of their lives as much as they used to be, and with the father not making very much money, the mother turns to working as well. Where does this leave the kids? The relationships they once had with their families start to deteriorate. They aren’t able to have those strong family ties because neither the father nor the mother is in the home to help strengthen and encourage them.
Once the father has finally earned enough money to bring his family to where he is, it has often been many years. The children in these families go through so much. When they are able to be reunited, they have to rebuild family ties and learn how to adjust to a new culture. They miss their friends and family back home and now struggle with school because it is in a language they don’t understand. In this new culture they have to learn how people expect them to act, and during all of this, try and make new friends. In addition, they still don’t have a family to go back to, because both of their parents are out of the home working to provide for their family. 
With all of these costs it almost seems too high to be worth it. But just like Lehi, they often do this because they feel it is best for their family. In the end, their children often do get a better education, higher paying jobs, and are able to move up in the world to be able to have a better life. To these parents, their sacrifice of leaving what they know behind is totally worth it!

The Impact of Divorce